3/28/16 – 4/1/16
Cleaning this car is not for the faint of heart. Sometimes the Springsteen song comes to mind: One Step Up and Two Steps Back. This will be the story of my life for some time. The picture shows the schmutz that has been accumulating in the frunk. Frunk is Porschespeak for the front truck, though some are convinced it was first coined by Elon Musk and Tesla. I am hopeful that the empty shells were left by a human, but…… I did not get into the frunk last weekend, but I did this week. There will be many more sessions in the frunk before it is clean, though it is a lot better than when I started.
I did make progress, though, on registering the car this week. Because I want to get the car registered in CA and I do not want to drive it too far until it is registered, I arranged for an on-site VIN verification, something I would need if I did not bring the car to AAA or the DMV to get it registered. Of course Mark informed me of this, as I had no idea such a service existed. Like anything else, it makes sense once you know about it. I filled out the application for title change and went to the local AAA office, knowing I still needed a smog check before I could get license plates. With the VIN verification and the title and the application for title change, I was able to get a 30 day temporary license. That means I can drive around without feeling that I am on the verge of getting fined and doing a lot of explaining, but I need to tackle the smog check soon. I expect the car to pass, as it has all the requisite equipment, but sh*t happens all the time.