
During the week I determined that the oil leaks were slight enough to keep a watch on them.  Additionally, I determined that my suspension needs work, lots of work.  Even so, I felt that I should take the 912 to Seal Beach for the monthly PCA GPX Region breakfast.

The first time I went to the GPX breakfast I used the GPS in my Cayman, so I did not pay close attention to exactly how I got to the restaurant.  I remembered that it was a simple drive.  Just headed down the 405, exited somewhere, went towards PCH, turned left and then turned into the parking lot of the restaurant.  As the 912 does not have GPS, I opted to go old school and use MapQuest to get a route to the restaurant.  I read thru the instructions, and saw the dreaded words – take the third exit on the roundabout.  Roundabout?  There was no roundabout last time.  They do not have roundabouts in my country.  They only have them in Europe!  Suddenly, I was very afraid.  So I decided to use a more current methodology and queried Google to get the route.  Google took me off a different exit, but as I read the directions, those dreaded words appeared again.  Huh?  At this point, I almost got into the Cayman and asked it to get me a route, but I didn’t.  I just decided I could beat the roundabout.

As I began my  drive, I did so  with a forced absence of information and some tepidation.  Of course, I could have used my smart phone, but that just seemed so wrong, and I there was no Thomas Guide in the car, which was the drivers’ bible when I was younger.  Turns out that I did not need any more information, and that I could still determine north, south, east and west, and I could find a destination without electronic tools.  And, yes, I could navigate the roundabout.

The drive to Seal Beach and back, including my amusing, intentional detour to visit Pelican Parts, which ended in failure because they were not open, 91211was 100 miles.  I have to admit that, route concerns aside, I was still a little leery of driving that far in the 912.  I should not have been.  The trip was great.  The miles were easy and the car performed well.  It was fun to drive.  And taking it to breakfast was perfect, especially since it was freshly bathed for the occasion.  I took the Targa top off on the way back and just enjoyed a holiday weekend drive. To quote Zac yet again “Life is Good Today”